Digital Advertising Agency

Best VISA card for all secure online transactions. Digital Advertising

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AdMeUp Digital Marketing Agency Ad.MA (Digital Advertising Agency) is a subsidiary of AdMeUp Digital Academy LLC specialised in providing digital transformation management services, digital advertising and digital communication services to businesses.
We are staffed exclusively by verified Digital  professionals in :

  • Digital Marketing & Communication
  • Digital Selling
  • Digital Advertising
  • Graphic & Video Designing
  • Web Development and Optimization
  • Programming and Coding
  • etc.

All our staff have international certifications of the most renouned training organisation in the world. With aim to offer Professional Digital Marketing Services to global and local enterprises aiming at helping clients with Digital Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing Services and smart execution. We focus on driving lead acquisition using digital marketing, account-based marketing and inbound Marketing strategies with the best delivery time ever. At AdMeUp Digital Marketing Agency, we give your business the exposure, clients and ROI you aim for. Our Customer is King.


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Our Services

      • Free PPC Analysis

    Complete the form below and a member of our PPC team will review your account and show you several opportunities to improve your. PPC performance. Fill out the form below and a member of our team will review your account and reach out to schedule a time to present you with our findings:

      • PPC management services

    What’s Included in Monthly Management?
    AdMeUp Digital Agency’s PPC management services include the following tasks as part of monthly management:

        • * Bid Management
        • * Ad Placement and Targeting Adjustments
        • * Geo-targeting Improvements
        • * Keyword Management
        • * Ad Copy Optimization and Testing
        • * Landing Page Performance Review
        • * Cost and Performance Analysis
        • * Check In Calls/Meetings
        • * Monthly Campaign Performance Report
        • * ADA’s Approach to PPC Management

    Every agency will approach PPC from a different angle. Here are the nine core beliefs our PPC program is based on:

    #1. You Own the Account
    Your PPC account is an asset. You paid for it to be built and optimized, and you should own it, regardless of who your PPC management agency is.

    #2. Optimize for Conversions
    You care about leads and/or sales, not clicks, or impressions, or click-through-rate (CTR), or any other vanity metrics. We only optimize for the metrics your business understands and cares about.

    #3. Report in Natural Language
    We won’t confuse you with a bunch of PPC jargon. We provide straight-forward reports that your executive management team can easily understand and see the value in. We report on the metrics your business cares about, and spare you the technical gibberish. Unless you want to nerd out, then we’re happy to talk shop. We send clients a monthly report detailing the most recent month’s performance, and always follow up the report with a call to review it.

    #4. No Silos
    ADA’s PPC program was originally built to support the efforts of our overall digital marketing department, specifically content marketing, conversion rate optimization (CRO) and search engine optimization (SEO). Therefore our PPC strategy always aims to be integrated with the larger overall digital marketing strategy which creates new opportunities and efficiencies that would have been otherwise missed.

    #5. No Long-Term Contracts
    Our PPC contracts run month-to-month and require 30 days notice to cancel. We believe the best way to keep a client around is to do an amazing job, not lock them into a long-term contract.

    #6. No Autopilot
    We manually manage campaigns on a daily and/or weekly basis depending on the velocity of the spend. This ensures our PPC managers are always keeping a pulse on the account performance and making improvements quickly.

    #7. Dedicated Account Manager
    Each client has a dedicated point of contact, who provides weekly updates, responds to any questions in less than 24 hours, attends weekly or monthly calls, and is available for questions whenever needed. Our account managers will also continually post updates for clients on our project management software, Basecamp.

    #8. Have The Best People
    At the end of the day, PPC management is a service, and services are provided by people. While we use some technology to track and tweak campaigns, the people we have managing the accounts are the reason for performance improvements. From our account managers, to PPC specialists, to graphic designers and web developers, we invest heavily in training, recruiting and retaining the most-talented people around. Don’t believe us? Check out our employee perks.

    #9. Set a New High Score
    When ADA takes over any new PPC accounts, our goal is to set a new high score. While maintaining an account is great, that’s not what drives us. We’re passionate about showing how much we can improve when given the opportunity. It’s not uncommon for us to increase conversions by 50-90% (while driving down the costs) in the first several months.

    Account Setup Process
    When we first talk with new companies, they always ask how we plan to onboard their account. So, here’s how we do it:

    Step 1: Questionnaires
    Vital prides itself on a tested and proven process that delivers consistent results. The first step of onboarding any new PPC account starts with requesting the client to fill out questionnaires, not only about PPC, but about their target buyers, and their competition. We’re more than PPC managers, we’re marketing strategists who take a holistic view of any marketing challenge.

    Step 2: Audit of Current Account
    Our first step is to always assess and evaluate the current condition of the PPC account we’re taking over. ADA has created a custom PPC account audit process and checklist based on years of analyzing accounts. This audit helps us shine light on low hanging fruit opportunities, as well as points out potential red flags. We breakdown the current account to learn as much as we can from past performance, and then benchmark all KPIs as a baseline.

    Step 3: Kickoff Meeting
    It’s important to start things off on the right foot. Every new client receives a kickoff meeting with the full team to review our timeline and walk through each step of the setup process. We also use this meeting for discovery where we review completed questionnaires.

    Step 4: Keyword Research
    If we’re running a search campaign, our next step is perform keyword research (based on any missing opportunities found in the audit). We break our proposed new keyword list down into groups and submit back to the client for approval before inputting keywords into the account.

    Step 5: Account Setup or Restructuring
    This step includes optimizing all the various account settings, such as:

        • * Campaign setup
        • * Ad Group setup
        • * Ad Copywriting & Testing setup
        • * Match Type setup
        • * Extensions setup
        • * Bids setup
        • * Goal Tracking setup
        • * Call Tracking
        • * Ad Design (for display and remarketing campaigns)
        • * Negative Keywords setup
        • * Audience/In Market Targeting setup

    Step 6: Ad Writing
    Writing PPC ads is a balance of art and science. The ads need to be persuasive, yet informative, yet direct, all within very tight character limits. Luckily ADA has a team of Professional experienced copywriters who have been writing PPC ads for years. We also consistently test ad copy to determine what works best, so we have an arsenal of data to build off of.

    Step 7: Ad Design
    If we’re running display campaigns, ADA will design multiple flights of ads in the chosen ad platform’s recommended ad size dimensions. Our ads are designed to be enticing and eye-catching, while still representing our clients’ brand.

    Step 8: Landing Page Setup
    The ads are only half the equation. To have meaningful PPC success, the ads need to drive users to a landing page that will convert them. ADA will help write, design, and develop best practices landing pages for your campaigns. We’ve formed our own landing page best practices based on years of testing different landing page formats.

    Step 9: Report Creation
    ADA creates a custom dashboard report for each client. To start off, ADA imports in all historical data and then we update our main dashboard report every month. ADA reports on metrics in plain english. We pride ourselves on reporting in the language of your business (leads, sales) and we don’t try to mislead you with vanity metrics. We provide and review reports with clients on a monthly basis. That said, you’ll always have full access to your account and can log in at any time to review metrics.

    Step 10: Weekly Calls/Meetings Scheduled
    It’s critical that we’re constantly communicating with our clients about the status of their PPC campaigns. Therefore, we schedule weekly (or monthly) calls/meetings to provide status updates. The size of the campaign and budget will determine if a weekly check in is required, or if a monthly check in will do.

    ADA’s pricing for PPC management services is pretty straightforward. We charge a one-time account setup (or re-structure) cost which varies depending on the status of the account we’re onboarding, plus a monthly management fee as a percentage of spend.

  • Remarketing Services

    Remarketing provides businesses with a powerful way to get back in front of potential customers who visited their websites, but did not convert. This includes users who abandoned shopping carts, online applications, or contact forms.

    Remarketing works by using cookie-generated data to remember where a user has been, and what actions they have and haven’t completed. By placing targeted banner ads on other websites that a user visits online, remarketing is a gentle way of reminding users of the products and services they showed interest in on your website.

    What are Remarketing Services?

    Google remarketing services are a form of digital advertising that visually remind users about your brand with a display image. These ads target users that have already interacted with your brand by visiting your website or clicked a link on a digital ad you have running. With Google remarketing services, you are simply letting the user know that you’re still around and your brand is relevant to them because they showed interest.

    You need Remarketing Services as a part of your strategy because research shows that consumers visit a site multiple times before making a purchase. Remarketing ads remind users to continue returning to your site and increases your click through rates two to three times.

  • From Branding to Discounts & Offers

    Depending on your site goals and calls to action, Remarketing can be as broad as branding or as specific and targeted as offering discounts or promotions for the exact purchase or inquiry a user failed to finalize.

    Our interactive advertising professionals will work closely with you to dissect your site’s conversion opportunities and formalize a strategy for capturing more of your audience’s attention – whether it’s on the first visit, or a subsequent one, based on targeted remarketing ads. Over time we will rigorously analyze your campaign’s performance, and optimize it to drive traffic and increase conversions.

    To learn more about our remarketing services, and how we can help you regain the attention of past visitors and convert them into customers, fill out the form on this page.

  • Mobile PPC Services

    Your buyers are moving to mobile devices. Let your brand be seen when they’re on-the-go. According to FORBES on Feb 23 2018, Mobile Advertising Will Drive 75% Of All Digital Ad Spend In 2018 According to Google in 2008, Mobile search was to surpass Desktop and tablet in 2015 but this threshold was reached in 2014, as of 2014, the number of people who access the internet via mobile has considerably increased. We would optimize your ads for mobile and give your ads the exposure it deserves

  • Ecommerce SEO

    Approaching SEO for large ecommerce sites can be overwhelming.

    With more pages than you can even get your head around and issues like product variants, complex filtering systems and expired products, SEO for ecommerce sites requires a different kind of SEO strategy.

    Let’s be clear: all of the same keyword research and onsite optimization practices apply to ecommerce sites as they would for your standard brochure site. However, for ecommerce sites, it’s necessary to take things a step (or ten) further. Optimization for ecommerce takes time, resources and experience and ADA is well equipped with all to give your Ecommerce site the highest ROI you have ever had. We would provide the following services

    1. Ensure your site is on HTTPS
    Safety first! Although this falls under general optimization for all sites, switching to HTTPS is particularly important for ecommerce sites. With exchanges of personal details and users trusting you with highly sensitive payment information, security is of the utmost importance.

    As well as ensuring that your SSL certificate is correctly implemented, make sure to be transparent in communicating your security compliance to users.

    Provide detailed information on the steps you have taken to offer utmost levels of security, and display any relevant logos to demonstrate that you comply with certain security standards.

    2. Optimize category pages
    Now that your website is more secure than Fort Knox, it’s time to focus on optimizing those all-important category pages. These are the pages on which to target those top-level keywords and should be high traffic generators.

    Category pages often flop due to issues with thin content. Text is frequently left by the wayside in favor of showcasing the products. However, this approach is potentially catastrophic in terms of rankings. It always pays to have at least a solid paragraph of copy to describe the category.

    To further booster the ranking potential of your category pages, we focus on your link-building campaign on generating links to them. Since the category pages serve as gateways to your products, it is a good idea to prioritize these in your site optimization efforts.

    3. Optimize product pages
    Product pages can cause a real headache for optimization. The same issues often occur for the products pages as they do for the category pages – except there are tons more product pages to deal with. Think thin content, duplicate content, and non-existent metadata.

    • – We provide product descriptions, meta descriptions,
    • – Get into the habit of writing unique descriptions for each product.
    • – Trace and delete descriptions from the manufacturer, this means placing duplicate content on your site and its highly faulty to Google. And that’s SEO suicide.
    • – Ensure descriptions are fundamental in actually selling the product and increasing conversions.
    • – Write good content description, make it interesting, enticing and in line with your brand personality.
    • – Speed up the process by devising a format for the product descriptions.
    • – ADA puts user-generated content on the product pages, including social media mentions and reviews. This will provide social signals, as well as helping to increase conversions and bring further unique content to the page.
    • – Prioritize products amongst thousands

    4. Product variants
    One of the questions we get asked a lot is what on earth to do about product variants. By this we mean different styles, sizes, colours and models of one product.

    So what’s the fix? ADA displays options where the user can change the color, size or model but without the URL changing in the process.

    5. ‘Purchase intent’ keywords

    • – keyword research
    • – purchase intent keywords
    • – bidding

    6. Images
    Let’s not forget the images: humans are visual animals at the end of the day. We Deploy only the highest quality images to entice potential customers.

    • – Ensuring product images are not too large or they could slow the page speed.
    • – Add appropriate alternative text to all images.
    • – Implement image search on the site
  • Specialized services

    With our specialized services, our client gets our full PPC Package

    That includes; analyzing, creating, management and reporting of all PPC campaigns as well Consultative services and investment advice on PPC investments to optimize ROI of our client


    – Free SEO Analysis
    Complete the form below and a member of our SEO team will review your account and show you several opportunities to improve your. SEO performance. Fill out the form below and a member of our team will review your account and reach out to schedule a time to present you with our findings:

    • * SEO Analysis
    • * SEO Services
    • * Link Building SEO
    • * Specialized SEO Services
    • * Website Optimization
    • * Website Optimization Analysis

    – Free SEO Analysis
    Complete the form below and a member of our Content Marketing team will review your account and show you several opportunities to improve your. Content Marketing performance. Fill out the form below and a member of our team will review your account and reach out to schedule a time to present you with our findings:

    • * Content Creation
    • * Content Editing and Modification
    • * Specialized Content Marketing

    Our social media management services save businesses more time and generate more results. Our company excels in Facebook Marketing, Instagram Marketing, and Google Marketing services. Since 2015, our firm has managed over 2,000 social media marketing campaigns. Our work shows that our company knows how to optimize your social media channels to satisfy your marketing objectives. We have experience with converting social media advertising investments into more leads and sales. Whether your business is in real estate, consumer products, or nonprofits. our social media management services position your business for success. While another social media marketing company or agency may use ineffective social media marketing services for your social media, our company prides itself in driving real, organic traffic to our clients’ websites and store fronts.

    – Free social media Analysis
    Complete the form below and a member of our Content Marketing team will review your account and show you several opportunities to improve your. Content Marketing performance. Fill out the form below and a member of our team will review your account and reach out to schedule a time to present you with our findings:

    – Social Media Management
    Social Media Management is the act of monitoring and participating in social conversations across platforms. We do this by providing the following services.

    • * Social listening
    • * Social analytics
    • * Social engagement

    Facebook Marketing Services

    With over 2 billion monthly active users, you are guaranteed to reach your desired audience through Facebook. Use the leading social media platform to grow your business.

    Instagram Marketing Services

    A picture says a thousand words. Use one of the most engaging social media platforms that over 60% of people use to discover new products. Start building your audience today.

    Twitter Marketing Services

    Increase brand recognition through Twitter. Twitter has over 330 million users and is used by all ages, from 18-64. Build trust and relationships through a trusted platform.

    Linkedln Marketing Services

    Pinterest Marketing Services

    Snapchat Marketing Services

    – Social Media Optimization Services

    – Social Media Content

    – Specialized Social Media Services


    – Free email marketing analysis
    Complete the form below and a member of our email marketing team will review your account and show you several opportunities to improve your. email marketing performance. Fill out the form below and a member of our team will review your account and reach out to schedule a time to present you with our findings:

    • * Email Marketing services/Lead Generation
    • * Specialized Email Marketing Services
    • * Email Marketing Automation

    – Free Graphics Design Solutions Analysis
    Complete the form below and a member of our Graphics Design team will review your account and show you several opportunities to improve your. Graphics Design Solutions performance. Fill out the form below and a member of our team will review your account and reach out to schedule a time to present you with our findings:

    • * Logo Design and Conception, banner, Complementary cards e.t.c
    • * Specialized Graphic Design Solutions

    – Free marketing Automation analysis
    Complete the form below and a member of our Marketing Automation team will review your account and show you several opportunities to improve your. Marketing Automation performance. Fill out the form below and a member of our team will review your account and reach out to schedule a time to present you with our findings:

    • * Sales force marketing Automation
    • * Act-on Marketing Automation
    • * Bulk SMS

    – Free analytic analysis
    Complete the form below and a member of our analytic team will review your account and show you several opportunities to improve your. analytic performance. Fill out the form below and a member of our team will review your account and reach out to schedule a time to present you with our findings:

    • * Analytic services
    • * Specialized Analytics Services

    – Free Digital strategy analysis
    Complete the form below and a member of our Digital Strategy team will review your account and show you several opportunities to improve your. Digital Strategy performance. Fill out the form below and a member of our team will review your account and reach out to schedule a time to present you with our findings:

    • * Digital strategy conception and management
    • * Specialise digital strategy services

7 reasons why you should advertise on the internet with us ?

Within hours, we create, set-up and optimize all your online assets.

We reach out and advertise to your specific target audience anywhere they are online and increase your revenue.

We considerably strengthen your brand awareness, increase your brand consideration, reputation, and trust.

We drive valuable traffic to your website and other online assets and increase conversions.

We make it easy to be found when people search online by increasing your rank on search engine results’ pages.

We track, measure, report, analyze all the data from your online activity to optimize your campaigns for better results.

We carry out online competitor research for benchmarking to fill in gaps left out by your competitors.


  • The global standard
  • Leading digital experts
  • Industry knowledge up to date
  • Internationally recognized accreditation
  • Syllabus validated by the industry
  • Flexible study options


Guefack Lucie: Chief Sales Officer

“Quand j’ai pris conscience du challenge actuel dans le numérique, j’ai décidé d’embarquer dans le bateau du digital avec Ada. Depuis lors, je suis complètement transformée !!! J’ai acquis plusieurs réflexes dans le numérique et pour couronner, le poste nouvellement acquis m’a convaincu que c’est la formation qu’il me fallait pour booster ma carrière.”

Guefack Lucie: Chief Sales Officer / ADA.

Joyceline Bih: Professional Digital Marketer

“Becoming a Professional Digital Marketer is the best decision I made… regrets. The world is fast moving from analog to digital, making it a small marketplace to engulf with any form of business. I have gained skills in enhancing any business within the digital space. Join me in this new quest and enjoy”

Joyceline Bih: Professional Digital Marketer / ADA.

Dongmo Dorice: Digital Marketer

“J‘ai voyagé dans le monde du digital. J’ai compris que nous ne devons plus vivre sans les connaissances en numérique et surtout en Marketing Digital”

Dongmo Dorice: Digital Marketer / ADA.

T.Miranda Teze: Digital Marketer

“Digital Marketing lightens the work load and enlarges the smile. It brightens each day as your business grows every day. Go digital with all you do and reap the benefits of technology while lying in your couch. Digital Marketing is the best career I never dreamt of but here I am living the goods of it. Thank you Ada…..”

T.Miranda Teze: Digital Marketer / ADA.

Zemoh Yannick Tangmo: Digital Marketer

“The 21st century is witnessing the greatest revolution the world has ever known “the Digital Revolution” and it is interesting to know that digital marketing sits at the center. I couldn’t dream any bigger. Catch the Digital Train with me. It’s better now than later. Think Digital, Go Ada.”

Zemoh Yannick Tangmo: Digital Marketer / ADA.


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